14 Products Found
Taken, excluded and forgotten: The History of forced germanizationTeilnehmende: 18Sprache: Englishkostenlos
Introduction to Academic Research - For Humanities Students with a Focus on Philosophy and EthicsDozent/in:Sprache: Englishkostenlos
Innovation Management (mit Betreuung)Dauer: 6 MonateDozent/in:Sprache: English550 €
Built Environment and Architecture Education for Children and Youth – An International Perspective on Theory and PracticeTeilnehmende: 144Sprache: Englishkostenlos
Scientific Project WorkDozent/in:Teilnehmende: 115Sprache: English, Germankostenlos
Cross-Cultural TrainingAutor/in:Teilnehmende: 290Sprache: Englishkostenlos
IWB 4.0Dauer: 4 WochenDozent/in:Teilnehmende: 139kostenlos
Regulatory Affairs: Regulatorische Anforderungen an Medizinprodukte (RAM 1)Dauer: 3 MonateDozent/in:Sprache: German899 €
Schule 4.0Dauer: 4 WochenDozent/in:Teilnehmende: 654kostenlos
Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) FundamentalsTeilnehmende: 563Sprache: Englishkostenlos
RoboBase V5.01Dozent/in:Teilnehmende: 181Sprache: Germankostenlos
Soft Skills for EngineersDauer: 5 WochenDozent/in:Teilnehmende: 191kostenlos
RoboBase V5.02Dauer: 2 StundenDozent/in:Teilnehmende: 229kostenlos
RoboBase V6 RoboTeachDauer: 2 WochenDozent/in:Teilnehmende: 117kostenlos
5 Pages Found
Master Industrial Engineering (M.Sc.)
tag[Industrial] tag[Engineering] tag[Master] tag[VFH]
In cooperation with the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences and the RWTH Aachen University, Kiron is implementing the pilot research and development project INTEGRAL+, which is short for "Integration and Participation of Refugees in the Context of Digital Teaching and Learning Scenarios” ("Integration und Teilhabe von Geflüchteten im Rahmen von digitalen Lehr- und Lernszenarien”).The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and enables Kiron to test and refine its innovative educational model together with its partners.
weiterlesenIMPact Digital
In cooperation with the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences, and the RWTH Aachen University, g.a.s.t, Kiron is implementing the pilot research and development project IMPact Digital which is short for "Internationalization for German Universities: measures for personalising the entry into university by digitisation”.
The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and enables Kiron to test and refine its innovative educational model together with its partners.