What is this course about?
This e-course on Environmental Management in the maritime industry will give you a good overview of the environmental impacts from the shipping industry and provides you with tools in order to understand and organize environmental work within a company.
What do you learn in this course?
You will be able to identify important environmental aspects of company activities and will know the aims and fundamentals of ISO14001 and EMAS. Also, you will understand and discuss the benefits of organizing company environmental work in an environmental management system.

How is the course structured?
- Environmental issues – changes in our living environment
- Environmental work in companies – economics
- Environmental work in shipping companies
Der Kurs ist nicht sehr ansprechend gestaltet und kein Vergleich z.B. zum KlimaMOOC oder KLOOC, die hier ebenfalls angeboten werden. Das Zertifikat ist sehr lieblos gestaltet. Am meisten habe ich während der Final Quiz Versuche gelernt
great course