What is this course about?
In this course we will ask and answer the question, whether culture influences the way in which people, who come from other regions of the world, interact with each other, and whether culture has an influence on the results they come up with.
We will therefore have a closer look at the question whether it is simpler to interact with partners from the same region of the world, therefore interacting with the same individual cultural influences. Or whether it is simpler to interact with people from other regions of the world, therefore having different individual approaches to culture and interpersonal behaviour.
We will also look for the reasons that make one or the other approach more appropriate and from where the difficulties may arise when people with different cultural backgrounds interact.
What do you learn in this course?
You will be able to
- define the term “culture”;
- explain the concept of culture according to Geert Hofstede;
- describe the three dimensions of culture according to Edward E. Hall and Mildred Reed Hall
- define six dimensions of Hofstede’s grid of culture;
- reflect on your personal communication style with regard to the four-side-model of communication by Friedemann Schulz von Thun;
- explain do’s and don’ts in intercultural communication;
- draw conclusions on how and why/why not to adapt to a certain culture.

How is the course structured?
- Introduction
- First Observations and Approaches
- Conclusions and Manifestations
- The reason why to adopt
- Myths in Intercultural Communication
- Implications of intercultural communication
Der Kurs ist interessant. Ich hätte mir etwas mehr zum Thema "Behaviour in Trade and Economics" gewünscht
sehr interessanter Kurs mit viel Hintergrundwissen über die Unterschiede in Kulturen und was daraus in der Kommunikation sichtbar wird.
Learned a lot of different concepts to work with. The questions were very helpful to analyse yourself and correct your habits working with other cultures. There could be more information about really doing business with other cultures. It doesn't take you the estimated 50 hours - more like 5 hours.