Built Environment and Architecture Education for Children and Youth – An International Perspective on Theory and Practice

course duration: Self-study course
Language: English

What is this course about?

Built environment education, or BEE for children and youth is as multifaceted as its subject: the built, designed environment. BEE is also known as architecture education for young people. BEE incorporates educational activities related to cultural, arts, democratic, and environmental education. All of these types of learning activities are linked by the use of cities, buildings, places and spaces – as a subject, a context for learning and a curricular resource.

The number of initiatives dedicated to teaching architecture and built environment has risen in the past two decades. There are people all over the world working in the field of BEE for children and youth. It has become an interdisciplinary movement bringing together various professionals, such as: architects, urban planners and designers, landscape and environmental planners, pedagogues and teachers, psychologists, artists and craftsmen. Their backgrounds and their ‘host’ organisations differ widely from education officers in museums, dedicated architecture centres, universities, the wider cultural/third sector, including design and planning practitioners working either independently or via their professional bodies, to teachers in schools and kindergartens. In many cases these practitioners work with little knowledge of others in the field, and they rarely get a chance to share their rich experiences. They may also not have the time to back up their work by research outcomes or theory reading. The same is true for students at universities, where built environment and architecture education is hardly part of the curriculum, neither for future teachers nor for future architects and planners. The aim of the MOOC is to fill that gap.

What do you learn in this course?

The main objectives of the MOOC are:

(1) to showcase BEE practice in the so-called global south and global north,

(2) to critically address institutional frameworks and policies that currently foster and challenge BEE and its outcomes and impacts,

(3) to bring BEE practice and research together - knowledge transfer between practice and academia and vice versa,

(4) to educate future pedagogues/teachers, planners, architects, and designers as BEE educators,

(5) to provide further education to people in practice working with children and youth.

You will gain insight into the frameworks, methods, and outcomes of built environment education BEE for children and youth and its linkage to children and youth participation. You will acquire applicable skills to teach BEE respecting the specific circumstances and contexts in which children and young people grow up. You will get an overview of BEE practice worldwide and be able to identify needs and gaps in BEE policies.

How is the course structured?

The course is structured around 10 thematic sessions containing

  • 19 video lessons,
  • 4 exercises and
  • 19 short assignments in the reflective journal accompanying each video lesson.

The MOOC showcases international expertise from practice and academia in the field of built environment and architecture education for children and young people. The MOOC is a co-production by the three universities (Union University Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Serbia; Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; and Misr International University (MIU), Cairo, Egypt) and their respective film teams. It is fostered and financed via DAAD-exceed Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability. Additionally, several internationally acclaimed experts as well as NGOs, BEE institutions and BEE networks from Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Colombia, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Israel, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and UK contributed to course content.

Research Support

The course content builds upon following research projects:

  • Architecture and urban planning: An outside curriculum. Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Programme: Ideas, Project No. 7726555.
  • Built environment education for children – Museums in focus. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Postdoctoral scholarship programme. Project No. 3.3 - SRB - 1153954 - HFST-P.
  • Baukulturelle Bildung für Kinder und Jugendlichen - Educational institutions and learning environments in Baukultur. Wüstenrot Stiftung.
  • Lokale Bildungslandschaften und Stadtentwicklung. Schnittstellen und Verflechtungen - Local educational landscapes and urban development. Intersections and Interlacings. German Research Foundation, Project No. 251337200
  • The Spatial Knowledge of Children and Young Adults and it’s Application in Planning Contexts. German Research Foundation, Project No. 290045248—SFB 1265 “Re-Figuration of Spaces”.
  • Jugendbeteiligung im Praxistest - Youth participation in Practice of German Municipalities. BBSR – Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development

Who leads you through the course?

Dr. Marta Brković Dodig

Dr. Marta Brković Dodig

Dr. Marta Brković Dodig is a Founding Director of NGO ARQubator, which aims to tackle sustainability challenges through academia and local communities’ partnerships in a participatory fashion. She works as an Associate Professor in Architecture in Belgrade, Serbia and a scientist at EMPA, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Her work revolves around the topics of sustainable and learning environments design; participation, co-design and games; Baukultur and built environment/architecture education; agency and activism in architecture and urbanism; spatial research methods and research by design.

She was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow during 2018-2020 at the Chair for Urban Design and Development at TU Berlin. Marta has worked as an architect with G+O Architekten in Munich (2015/16) and at M-House Design in Belgrade (since 2010). She has experience as a Principal Investigator and a partner on research projects hosted at both academic institutions (The University of Michigan, The University of Sheffield, TU Berlin, TU Munich, Polytechnic University of Catalonia) and in architectural practices through the “knowledge – transfer partnership” (Building Design Partnership Sheffield). Together with Prof. Linda Groat she has edited “The Routledge Companion to Games in Architecture and Urban Planning”. Her game “Spector – The Sustainability Inspector” has been awarded honourable mention at 2023 UIA Golden Cube awards from the International Union of Architects.

Dr. Angela Million

Dr. Angela Million

Dr.-Ing. Angela Million, née Uttke, is Professor of Urban Design and Urban Development at TU Berlin – University of Technology in Berlin, Germany. Here research, practice and teaching combine interests in participatory urban design, with a special interest in cities as educational settings, children and youth. Angela began 2005 working with children and young people as co-founder of JAS Jugend Architektur Stadt e.V. (www.jugend-architektur-stadt.de), a non-profit organisation for built environment education and participation, and brought this experience back to academia.

Since 2011 she has pursued a range of outreach activities with schools and national and international partners, for example “ReThink Urban Spaces - A Thai-European Youth Forum on Urban Community Development”.  As a researcher she has been principal investigator in research projects on BEE impacts and outcomes and youth participation in spatial design and urban planning. Her current research explores educational landscapes, neurourbanism, as well as the changing spatial knowledge and hybrid spatial constructions of young people within the Collaborative Research Center 1265 “Refiguration of Spaces” at TU Berlin. She is member of PLAYCE.org and UIA Built Environment Education network.

Prof. Heba Safey ElDeen

Prof. Heba Safey ElDeen

Heba Safey Eldeen is a Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Misr International University (MIU), Egypt. Her research Interests involve: Environmental Behavioural Studies, Architecture and Children, Urban Design, History and Theories, Design and Research Methods, Participatory Design, Curricula Development and Urban Sociology. She is a director of the House of Egyptian Architecture, Ministry of Culture and a co-director of Architecture and Children Work Program, International Union of Architects (UIA). Her research focuses on Environmental Behavioural Studies in Architecture and Urban Design, History and Theories of Egyptian Architecture and Urbanism.

She has published over 50 research papers and participated in conferences, symposia and exhibitions worldwide. She is a member of numerous local and international architectural and cultural organisations. She is the founder of the Built Environment Education Lab dedicated to communicating architecture to children and youth.



In this course, you can earn Training certificate.

Supported by



TU Berlin  



This MOOC was developed in the context of Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability SMUS, Action 5 (https://gcsmus.org/) located at Technische Universität TU Berlin, Germany and funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ).


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