Crisis Management (#CrisisManagement)

course duration: Self-study course
Instructor: Akademie OEGW
Language: English

What is this course about?

The management of crises has become considerably more important in recent years, especially in the health sector. With the spread of the coronavirus, more people are becoming aware of this.

What challenges do extraordinary incidents pose for your institution? What has to happen when you can no longer manage the tasks within the usual work routine? Would you like to learn how crisis management works and how to organise a crisis team?

This online course teaches you the essential basics of crisis management, its main procedures and considerations.

What do you learn in this course?

Competence is a prerequisite for understanding processes and procedures in crisis management.

In our online course "Crisis Management“, we teach participants the basics, methods and principles to prepare for smaller and larger crises. The focus is on crisis management, especially for institutions in the health sector and in public administration.

What is behind the idea of a crisis management team? What tasks are important in crisis management? What are the requirements for effective work in specific situations of emergency?

We show you what is important in crisis management!

How is the course structured?

  1. Introduction
  2. Population protection in Germany
  3. Structure of a crisis management team
  4. Working in a crisis management team
  5. Crisis management decisions based on the current situation
  6. Functions in the crisis management team
  7. Crisis communication
  8. General operational planning

Who leads you through the course?

Dr. Peter Tinnemann

Dr. Peter Tinnemann

  • Facharzt für Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen und Master of Public Health
  • Twitter:@ptinnemann
Detlef  Cwojdzinski

Detlef Cwojdzinski

  • Referent Krisenmanagement
  • Twitter: @d_cwo


Akademie für Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen Düsseldorf

Cooperation partners

Connective CitiesFederal Ministry for Economic Coperation and Development


Unless there is no licence specified, the content is licenced under

Creative Commons - Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland (CC BY 3.0 DE)

Creative Commons - Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland (CC BY 3.0 DE)


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